Heated Display Bakery and Pastry | OMEGA ONE

Heated Display Bakery and Pastry | OMEGA ONE

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Revolutionary and sophisticated vertical and circular design that offers a 360º vision of the product, in a dry heat version, perfect for the exhibition of foods that require a good conservation.
CALENTADOR DOLCE Calentador Counter top heated display
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Forceful heater dry heat, maximum capacity and contemporary design, with panoramic view.
MAXISELF SAHARA  Display Equipment, bakery Servery
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Cabinet heater large capacity and robust design, with the smoothest and elegant way with panoramic view.
SPLENDID SAHARA Countertop Hot Food Display
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The pastries and sandwiches in the dry heat have the best partner for good conservation, and therefore without water heater Sahara in its standard version will be your best ally.
STANDARD SAHARA Countertop Heated Display Cases
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The pastries and sandwiches in the dry heat have the best partner for good conservation, therefore without water heater with a second neutral Sahara shelf for more exposure, will be your best ally.
DOS PISOS SAHARA Countertop Heated Display Cases
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You can combine cold, neutral and hot units with the same finishing.
SAYL Bakery and Patisserie Heated Display Unit

Please note: Prices do not include VAT, they are subject to change without prior notice and photos may be indicative

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